University of Minnesota researchers have reported limited success from an experiment to control an invasive weed in Lake Koronis near Paynesville. Researchers from the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Center have studying how to combat starry stonewort , which has been spread to 11 lakes across the state. They found that a combination of mechanical harvesting
It’s only found in 14 Minnesota lakes at this point, but starry stonewort has the potential to cause lots of harm, and fast. Recent research shows that the macroalgae has the potential to be the high-impact invader in Minnesota lakes that many already fear it is. It warrants the high prioritization that public agencies and
Starry stonewort was first discovered in Minnesota waters in Lake Koronis in 2015. It’s now found in 19 Minnesota waterbodies. Lake Koronis is helping researchers understand how a changing climate may influence this invasive and how we can better manage it. Overall, the research showed year-to-year variability in the total biomass of starry stonewort. There