The City of Cape Canaveral, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Stetson University, along with city and county partners are working on a solution to help stop flooding and improve water quality in Cape Canaveral. Researchers say plans include designing and building special channels called bioswales that to redirect stormwater that would cause flooding. Native, water-friendly plants
Florida Gulf Coast University researchers are looking for answers to what is potentially causing female mosquito fish to develop male characteristics, prevent potential harm to people and find deeper answers to water quality issues in Southwest Florida. Dr. Nora Demers, an FGCU professor, told us chemicals found in herbicides, pesticides, medications and shampoos may affect
The head of Three Mile Harbor, and Georgica, Wainscott, and Hook Ponds are among the water bodies that continued to be compromised by harmful algal blooms or high levels of fecal coliform bacteria. Georgica Pond’s water quality improved last year, Dr. Gobler told the trustees, which he said was likely the result of the aquatic
A new report says some levels of pollution are down in the Potomac River, but cautioned that the once-troubled waterway isn’t out the woods yet. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments analyzed data collected between 1985 and 2016 and found that “water quality improvements have reduced pollution significantly.” MWCOG’s 27-page report said two substances in particular
Salt in water sources becoming worrisome in D.C. region, experts warn By Antonio Olivo August 8, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT The Washington region is growing — a metropolis of nearly 6 million people where area officials are pressing to build another 320,000 homes by the end of this decade. And with that growth comes
The relationship between water quality and soil erosion cannot be overemphasized. Soil erosion and residue management, especially surface water runoff, influence water quality. A silt fence, sometimes called a filter fence, is a temporary sediment control barrier used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby waterways from sediment in stormwater runoff. The problem
The beautiful fall colors will soon give way to barren trees and piles of fallen leaves around our yards and neighborhoods. The leaves decompose and restock the soil with nutrients and organic matter. However, those decomposing leaves may eventually make their way into lakes and rivers. They get washed down streets and into storm drains
There are currently dozens of large wildfires burning over 7.8 million acres across western United States. Many blame global warming for the increased wildfires, as temperatures rise and droughts continue to plague much of the U.S. Fire seasons are longer and causing more frequent, large-scale, high-severity wildfires. The risk of large wildfires is expected to
Written by Madeline Seveland, Education Coordinator with Carver County Water Management Invasive Species have been steadily gaining more interest with lawmakers, interest groups and the public since the introduction of zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka and the threat of Asian carp in the Mississippi River. Here are the top ten reasons you should care about