First off: Aquarius Systems has provided equipment to over 50 countries around the World and has never failed to deliver a quality product with continually support for parts and knowledge. However, an aquatic weed harvester procured to remove water hyacinth on Lake Victoria in Africa has been sitting idle for three years as there are
Water hyacinth has been on the Delta for decades, but really exploded in 2011 and 2012 as officials were not able to obtain a permit to spray chemicals in a timely fashion. Efforts to control hyacinth in the Deltas focuses primarily on the use of chemical herbicide applications. Officials aggressively spray chemicals; a prepared document
Lee County Hyacinth Control manages aquatic plants in our waterways using several different methods. The mechanical weed harvester is an eco-friendly method clears widespread vegetation so boats can navigate through our canals. Run off in Cape Coral canals comes from many places. It could be your street, your roof or your lawn. The recycled water