Wildlife populations, including birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish, have seen an average 69% decline since 1970, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature’s (Formerly World Wildlife Fund) Living Planet Report (LPR) 2022. The report also highlights that freshwater aquatic life has also decreased by 83% globally in the last 50 years.
The exploitation of forests and animals, habitat degradation, the introduction of invasive species, pollution, climate change and disease are the major drivers of this decline in wildlife population, reads the report. Obstructions in the migratory route of fish, is a significant reason behind the decline of aquatic organisms. survival of long-distance fish is in danger due to the construction of dams on rivers and other projects for power generation which obstruct the migratory routes of fish. Only 37% of the world’s rivers flow uninterrupted for 1,000 km.
Biodiversity loss and climate change are not only environmental issues, but they are also economic, development, security, social, moral and ethical issues that must be addressed!