Okoboji area homeowners could find themselves paying a hefty fine if they use chemicals to kill weeds that ensnare their boats, tangle swimmers and spoil weekends on the lakes.
Rep. John Wills, a Republican from Spirit Lake, has proposed a bill that makes it a serious misdemeanor for Iowans to use chemicals to battle aquatic weeds such as curlyleaf pondweed.
The fast-growing invasive plant is overrunning parts of the Iowa Great Lakes, choking East Okoboji and Lower Gar, and threatening West Okoboji and Spirit Lake.
The bill, making its way to the House floor for debate, would allow the Iowa Department of Agriculture to fine Iowans $1,000 for dumping chemicals into a lake that’s used for drinking water.
The bill would allow licensed applicators to use chemicals to kill aquatic weeds.
Otherwise, homeowners can pull the weeds by hand or with a rake or have them mechanically cut.