Eurasian water milfoil is an exotic invasive species that is thought to have been introduced to the U.S. in the 1800’s in the bilge of ships.
Once established milfoil can never be completely eradicated, but it can be managed with an aquatic weed harvester or repeat treatments of aquatic herbicides. Any relaxing on the spraying regimen however and it comes back as strong as ever.
Fishermen certainly appreciate a good balance of both milfoil and hydrilla for bass populations. Less vegetation and it doesn’t provide enough cover for juveniles, and too much makes it too difficult for the fish to navigate – and for the fisherman to locate them. Too much vegetation also causes difficulties for swimmers, skiers and boaters, as well as clogging powerplant intakes and municipal water systems.
Another definite drawback to a lot of milfoil is low oxygen content and increased eutrophication caused by the decaying of the plant.