Bow fishing, as opposed to an environmental fish kill, is behind the recent culling of hundreds of carp in Paddock Lake, Wisconsin. Flooding led to a rush of runoff into the lake, which, in turn, reduced oxygen levels. This can lead to a natural fish kill, and some carp perished as a result. However, village
In southwest Minnesota, the Okabena-Ocheda Watershed District is tagging and tracking carp in an effort to find out where they congregate in the winter. The data is hoped to reveal the potential for a wintertime seining event. Lake Okabena has two to three times more carp than a healthy lake should have. It’s been determined
In a research pond in La Crosse, Wisconsin, scientists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and U.S. Geological Survey are testing the effectiveness of a new strategy to ward off an Asian carp invasion that’s threatening the health of the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. The study called for placing a carbon dioxide infusion
Introduced to Malheur Lake as early as the 1920s, likely as a food source for people living in the arid region, the invasive carp have now taken over the lake. Historically, Malheur Lake was utilized by up to 35% of the Pacific Flyway’s canvasback population, was the second most important redhead production site in the
Written by Madeline Seveland, Education Coordinator with Carver County Water Management Invasive Species have been steadily gaining more interest with lawmakers, interest groups and the public since the introduction of zebra mussels into Lake Minnetonka and the threat of Asian carp in the Mississippi River. Here are the top ten reasons you should care about