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/ Published in herbicide, News
Aquatic Invasive Species Flowering Rush
Lake Pend Oreille’s noxious weed problem has worsened over the past six years, as blooms of invasive Butomus umbellatus, or flowering rush, have joined Eurasian milfoil to clog area waterways. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers enacted targeted herbicide treatments at portions of waterways to control most of the flowering rush. According to the Corps,
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Aquatic Weed Harvester unloading into Offloading Conveyor
The Elizabeth River in Virginia is one of the mightiest military and industrial ports in the world, restoring this urban river to health depends on leadership from the business and government facilities that line its shore. The City of Norfolk’s Department of Utilities is one such participant in restoring the Elizabeth River with the help
/ Published in News, trash skimmer
Aquatic Trash Skimmer in the Water
Tampa’s “Litter Skimmer” trash boat is celebrating one year on the water. The boat operates eight hours a day, four days per week, picking up floating trash along the Hillsborough River, Davis Islands, and the Bay. The Litter Skimmer launched last year as part of the “Keep It Clean, Tampa” initiative. Since it’s inception, the
Mechanical harvester in Townsville Australia
Weeds on the Ross River have a new predator in town as Council launches its brand new 6.5 tonne weed harvester to combat invasive species in the waterway. The aquatic weed harvester arrived in Townsville, Queensland, Australia from Aquarius Systems in the United States to replace Council’s older retiring harvester. The new model includes stainless

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