Invasive Eurasian water milfoil is flourishing in Wisconsin’s lakes, sometimes outcompeting native plants and creating floating mats that cause problems for people, boats and property values. But new research shows that the benefits of using one type of historical lake-wide herbicide treatment may be outweighed by the costs to native aquatic plants. Lake management teams
The Friends of the White River in Wisconsin saw their 2013 weed harvest get off to a good start on Wednesday, June 26. The harvester and operators were on lease from the White River Flowage Lake Management District. The harvester, by the end of work on June 27, harvested an estimated 50,000 pounds of aquatic
The City of Chestermere, Canada, announced that they had harvested 210,675 kilograms of weeds from Chestermere Lake in 2023. “I know how important the water is to residents who live adjacent to it and all residents of Chestermere. Weed harvesting and weed control are an uppermost issue in most people’s minds,” interim CAO Pat Vincent
Although many people might think oceanside cities bear the responsibility to keep plastic and trash out of the water, the Mississippi River can act as a funnel for that trash from the heart of the country to the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River drains more than 40% of the continental U.S. – just how
In the 1970’s Lake Minnewawa in Minnesota was so choked with weeds that residents could no longer enjoy the lake as they once had. The water clarity and the phosphorous levels were awful. People would pull their docks out of the water in July because boating was impossible. Save Minnewawa Association was formed in 1977
Weed growth in St. Albans Bay in Vermont was not as bad this past summer as anticipated according to Steve Cushing, President of the St. Albans Area Watershed Association (SAAWA). Last year, high, turbid waters and a layer of sediment carried into the lake by flooding and rainfall reduced weed growth, explained Cushing. With clear
Although it only operated for 22 days this fall, the Apple River Protection and Rehabilitation District in Wisconin (ARPRD) removed 112 loads of aquatic vegetation from the Apple River – 251 tons of weeds according to a report by operations manager, Dale Richardson. Harvester operators volunteer their time and currently have 2 primary and 2
Milwaukee has more than 410 miles of streams, 85 lakes, and three rivers—the Milwaukee, Menomonee, and Kinnikinnick.Milwaukee ; plus miles of Lake Michigan shoreline. Milwaukee has been reinventing itself over the past decade, most of them involving water. The city is steadily transforming into what former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson hopes will be “the Silicon
Two new boats launched by DC Water this week will help scoop up floating trash and debris from the Anacostia River, making the waterways cleaner and more enjoyable. aquarius systems These boats a big investment by DC Water to reclaim our rivers. They will literally be pulling tons of trash out of the Anacostia and